Digitize Large Spaces

The FARO Focus S 150 is a terrestrial laser scanner that creates 3D point clouds and meshes from real-world spaces. In conjunction with FARO’s software Scene, it can composite multiple scans to digitize large indoor and outdoor spaces within a precision of a few millimeters.

The DEV Studio, in conjunction with Dartmouth’s Earth Sciences Department and with the support of the Neukom Institute, is making a FARO Focus S 150 available to the Dartmouth community for use in research and teaching. A training session is mandatory before borrowing this piece of equipment. The Scene software is only available on one field laptop and one workstation in the DEV Studio, though once data is processed by Scene it can be exported to a variety of formats readable by other software.

To request use of the scanner or training, please contact John Bell. The calendar below shows when it is already in use.